The origin of the pencil
Source: | Author:shengmingwj | Published time: 2500 days ago | 949 Views | Share:
In 1662 in Nuremberg, Germany built the world's first pencil factory - Shi De Lou pencil factory.

Later, German F · Custer created Fidel Castel graphite pencil factory in Nuremberg city, using sulfur, antimony as a binder and graphite heating mixed manufacturing lead, the graphite pencil rod manufacturing technology advanced a large step. France N · J · Kant for the first time washed with graphite approach to improve the purity of graphite, and graphite bonded with clay into a refill, this method is called Kant method. For the pencil industry laid the foundation. Later, the French chemist Kong De after repeated tests, use clay as a solidifying agent, made of the core than the original solid wear-resistant, and this method is suitable for any graphite mine, is still in use today. In the United States, there is a carpenter named William Monroe, who inserts a black lead in a grooved wood, and then joins together the two wood strips to make the world's first pencil Rod.